Body Lift

Body Lift

A body lift in plastic surgery is a comprehensive surgical procedure designed to address loose or sagging skin and excess fat in multiple areas of the body. This procedure is often considered by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, either through bariatric surgery or other means, and are left with excess skin that has lost its elasticity. The goal of a body lift is to create a more toned and proportionate body contour.

The body lift procedure typically involves addressing several areas of the body in a single surgery. The most common areas targeted during a body lift include:

  1. Abdomen: The surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. This may include a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) to tighten the abdominal muscles and improve the overall contour.

  2. Buttocks: Lift and reshape the buttocks by removing excess skin and fat. This may involve a buttock lift or augmentation.

  3. Thighs: Excess skin and fat from the thighs are removed, resulting in a smoother and more toned appearance.

  4. Hips/Waist: The surgeon may address the flanks and love handles to create a more contoured waistline.

The body lift is a significant surgical procedure that requires careful planning and consideration. It is often performed under general anesthesia, and the surgery may take several hours, depending on the extent of the areas being addressed.

Recovery from a body lift can be substantial, and patients are typically advised to take time off work and other activities to allow for proper healing. Compression garments may be recommended to support the newly contoured areas during the recovery process.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications associated with body lift surgery, and it’s crucial for individuals considering this option to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon can assess the patient’s specific concerns, goals, and overall health to determine if a body lift is an appropriate and safe option for them.